Friday, July 11, 2014

No Summer Vacations for Entrepreneurs, Study Shows

Many small businesses owners won't be spending much time relaxing this summer, a new study finds.

One-third of the owners of small and medium-size businesses say they don't plan on taking any vacation in the coming months, according to research from Office Depot.

Money is playing a large role in why small business owners aren't taking any time off. Specifically, 60% of those surveyed said they weren't planning a summer vacation this year because of financial hardship. Other top reasons owners give for not getting away include a preference to travel during other months of the year, being unable to travel during the summer because it is their busiest season, and not having enough staff to cover for them while they're gone.

The research revealed, however, that 20% of small business owners are actually taking a vacation this summer as a result of business being down, which is providing them with extra time to take a break from work.

Even those who are getting away this summer will have a hard time completely disconnecting. The study found that, while on vacation, 25% of owners typically check in on the business at least two times per day.

While those surveyed said having technology that allows them to keep track of things while they're gone is one of the key reasons why they're taking a vacation this summer, they're split on whether that is actually a good thing. Nearly half like that technology allows them to feel connected to the office while away, while 35% see it as a hindrance, saying it prevents them from the rest and relaxation of a vacation because they feel a need to be available 24/7.

Steve Calkins, executive vice president of the business solutions division for Office Depot Inc., would definitely encourage small business owners to take some time off this summer.

"For the millions of dedicated small business owners who continue to burn the midnight oil and put in long hours day in and day out, the much-awaited summer vacation provides a crucial opportunity to recharge and refresh," Calkins said in a statement.

The study was based on surveys of the owners of 1,500 small and medium-size businesses.

This article originally published at BusinessNewsDaily here

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