Once upon a time, dating meant finding the right person to share a lifetime of romantic meals and intimate conversation.
Today, dating means finding someone to sit next to while you play Candy Crush on your iPad.
In these comics, artist Maria Scrivan shares the difference between dating before and after the technological boom .
Comics by Maria Scrivan. See her daily panel Half Full at Go Comics.
BONUS: 12 Cliched Online Dating Photos Every Guy Should Dump
1. Abs.
Why even bother filling out the part of the profile that describes your interests? At this point, you are a talking slab of meat that has somehow acquired a webcam and computer. Unless you are physically restricted to communicating exclusively through your belly button, you have no excuse for using this photo.
Image: Mashable Composite. Julie Jacobson/Associated Press
2. You with your car.
Nothing is more promising than a man who loves his car more than he could ever love you.
3. A casual laptop pic in your messy room.
First appearances are as important in dating as they are in a job interview. So when you upload a fuzzy photo of yourself in your dirty room, where I can see an old sock hanging on the bookshelf, you are basically saying, âI have no desire to take care of myself or anything else!â
4. A headshot taken by a paid professional.
Sure, itâs at least a clear photo of you. But, letâs be real -- people pay someone to take their Glamour Shots for a reason. No one actually looks like they do in a black-and-white photograph thatâs Photoshopped all of your flaws away.
5. You with an attractive woman at your side.
It could be your âplatonicâ best friend, sister or even your mom, but the truth is that most women see a photo of you looking happy next to another lady and immediately start to move on to the next one because you seem preoccupied. Kind of gross unless youâre a Lannister, isnât it?
6. A photo you donât actually remember because you were too drunk.
Meeting at a bar is one of the most common first dates known to man, so avoid the blurry photos from your best friendâs bachelor party. You can still come off as carefree without being surrounded by dozens of empty glasses. A guy who likes beer is sexy -- a guy who lacks self-control is not.
7. You in a group shot.
We get it, you want to assure potential mates that you actually know people IRL. But how am I supposed to know which one is you in a photo with 25 of your closest bar-crawling friends?
Image: Mashable Composite
8. An outdated photo of you.
When youâre in your 30s, donât post a photo of you at 22. Online dating isnât for your #TBT. If you want to relive your college days, go to a football game. Accept that your hairline isnât what it used to be, and move on. If youâre not confident enough to like how you look now, how can you expect anyone else to?
9. An exaggerated photo of your "extreme" lifestyle.
Did you go whitewater rafting one time, like three years ago? Cool. Tell me all about it over drinks. But donât use this photo because you feel obligated to show you like outdoors every now and then.
10. You holding your neighborâs baby.
You know how politicians are sort of obligated to be seen kissing babies because then maybe people will find them likable? Yeah â¦
11. Multiple selfies of you in the same position, making the same face.
What are you trying to tell us? Youâre reliable? Consistent? Committed? What does it mean?
12. A photo of anything but you.
It seems unnecessary to even have to say this, really. Just accept the face you have and get it over and done with already. Youâre going to have to come clean sooner or later, and it will only make things more awkward than whatever weird mole or bad haircut youâre trying to hide.
Image: Mashable Composite/Associated Press
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