Monday, December 10, 2012

10-Year-Old Creates Fun ‘Call Me Maybe’ Parody With Harvard Educators

Seven months after a Harvard University pitcher uploaded a video of his teammates synchronously rocking out to "Call Me Maybe," the song is getting more Harvard love -- this time from an administrator in the economics department and her 10-year-old son.

Emily Neill, the department's undergraduate program administrator, tells Mashable she recorded the footage of her Harvard colleagues over the past month-and-a-half during free time.

"My son Noah is a huge pop connoisseur, and we had already enjoyed many of the 'Call Me Maybe' memes together," Neill explains. "I hatched the idea, but borrowed his (camera) to make it, and because I knew nothing about video editing, he volunteered to support the technical end of the project."

Noah spliced the footage together to create the parody, which hit YouTube on Thursday, in time for the economic department's holiday party. But the parody serves another purpose.

"I am in charge of the advising portion of that program and wanted to welcome newly declaring majors in a warm way to a large and often intimidating major and faculty," Neill says.

The video on Noah's YouTube channel has attracted more than 60,000 views and few unfavorable comments, one of which Neill responded to promptly:

"He worked so hard, and since we are both Capricorns and perfectionists, we both had to coach each other a bit on when to let go and live with the imperfections," Neill says. "He was the one who, on the last night, finally turned to me and said, 'Mom, we have to stop; it'll be fine. People will like it just the way it is.'

"That is probably why I got mad enough about those online comments on his YouTube channel to defend him -- was not sure he was prepared for the cruelty of online commentary. He seemed less fazed by it than I!"

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