Sunday, October 27, 2013

Top 10 Tech This Week


As the holiday season approaches, a bevy of gadgets continue to be announced in order to make it onto wish lists around the world. What are the most popular gadgets up for the gift-wrapping treatment?

The answer is mobile devices â€" smartphones and tablets â€" and though there are plenty on the market already, that didn't stop the impressive flow of tech that occurred this week.

The big news this week was the unveiling of Apple's new iPad Air, the super sleek but powerful next generation tablet. The device comes with an A7 chipset that makes it faster than its predecessor. The 16GB Wi-Fi only version will cost $499, and a 128GB version will be $799. The latest Apple gadget will be available for purchase Nov. 1.

Apple wasn't the only company to announce a new tablet this week. Nokia will release its first Windows tablet, the Lumia 2520. The device will be one of the few devices that run Windows RT 8.1 and will be Wi-Fi and LTE enabled. AT&T will sell this new tablet, though there is no news on when or how much customers will have to pay if they want to pick up their own Lumia 2520.

Gadgets aren't just holiday presents; some can save lives. The Gene-Radar, developed by U.S.-based nanotechnology firm Nanobiosym, can detect HIV/AIDS. The iPad-sized device takes a bodily fluid sample and delivers the test results in less than an hour. The gadget makes HIV/AIDS testing cheaper and can help diagnose patients more accurately in poor countries, where medical resources are often few and far between.

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Homepage image: Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images

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