Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Obama and Romney Court Geek Vote

Obama and Romney

Are you a technologist, an entrepreneur or an all-around tech geek? Then Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both want your vote â€" and they’ve made some of their clearest statements yet on technology policy, small businesses, patent and visa reform and similar issues this week in an effort to make sure they get it.

The statements come in the form of letters sent to NY Tech Meetup, a 27,000-member organization representing New York City’s tech sector, whose chairman asked the candidates for their stances on tech startups and technology policy in general.

Obama’s Letter

Obama used the opportunity to boast that entrepreneurship is “at record levels,” with the number of startups having risen 10% since he first took office (startup growth declined from 2010-2011, but the rate remains the highest it’s been in 16 years).

The president continues by touting his record on technology and small business issues, highlighting the National Broadband Plan, the JOBS Act, patent and visa reform, STEM education and the creation of the U.S. Chief Technology Officer position at the White House.

“I’ve been laying the foundation for an economy built to last through investments in infrastructure and technology,” reads Obama’s letter. “Across your government, we’ve used technology to bridge the offline and online divide to empower citizens and build a more participatory democracy,” it continues later.

On Internet freedom, Obama repeats his stance first established during the debate over the Stop Online Piracy Act, the PROTECT IP Act and the Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act:

” … I’ll continue to stand by you to protect the openness of the Internet while still enforcing intellectual property rights,” reads the letter.

Obama concludes his letter by sweet-talking entrepreneurs, crediting them with helping the country to recover economically from the recession.

“And the reason I’ve never been more optimistic about the future is because of all of you. You’ll be the next entrepreneur to turn a big idea into something â€" a new invention or an entire new industry,” writes Obama. “That’s the promise of America; that’s what this country is all about.”

Romney’s Letter

Romney sent a shorter, to-the-point letter, highlighting six parts of his economic plan he argues “seek to strengthen the American economy by empowering entrepreneurs and rewarding innovation:” Human capital, taxes, regulation, trade, education and basic research.

More specifically, Romney’s plan calls for:

  • Raising visa caps for “highly skilled foreign workers”
  • Offering permanent residence to foreign students graduating with advanced degrees
  • Involving private businesses in government retraining programs
  • Lowering the corporate tax rate to 25% (It’s currently a maximum of 35%)
  • Making permanent the R&D tax credit
  • Imposing a “regulatory cap” to streamline businesses
  • Creating a “Reagan Economic Zone” that favors trade with countries “committed to the principles of free enterprise.”

Romney also writes that he would “focus government resources on research programs that advance the development of knowledge, and on technologies with widespread application and potential to serve as the foundation for private sector innovation and commercialization.”

Interestingly, Romney twice negatively characterizes Obama as a “venture capitalist” in a letter addressed to an organization with a lot of venture capitalists as members. It’s an increasingly common attack that ties with Romney’s attempts to portray Obama as an anti-capitalist who “picks winners and losers,” but one that may strike a harsh chord with the letter’s recipients.

SEE ALSO: 64% of Tech Executives Think Romney Would Be Better for the Industry [STUDY]

You can view both letters in their entirety, along with the original letter prompting the candidates’ comments, at NY Tech Meetup. They’re also embedded below. Which candidate do you think would be better for tech entrepreneurs, innovation and science? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Obama’s Letter to NY Tech Meetup

Romney’s Letter to NY Tech Meetup

Special Report: Politics Transformed E-Book

Mashable explores the trends changing politics in 2012 and beyond in Politics Transformed: The High Tech Battle for Your Vote, an in-depth look at how digital media is reshaping democracy.

Read a few of the top posts from the series:

Take it with you, buy Politics Transformed: The High Tech Battle for Your Vote on e-book for the Amazon Kindle and get access to four exclusive interviews!

Image credit: The White House, Austen Hufford.

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